Monday, June 30, 2008

Definitely, Maybe

Definitely, Maybe, Ryan Reynolds, Elizabeth Banks, Isla Fisher.
Guys, I will admit it, this was a total chick flick, and I should be ashamed for watching it, but in my defense, when you take the main character from Van Wilder, and the crazy girlfriend from Wedding Crashers, you have to take a shot, and hope that there was a reason that these two were brought together to make a movie. I know I may face ridicule for this, but it was a great story. I thought the foretelling of it was actually pretty creative. The characters were all drawn out, and as the mystery unfolded, you found yourself guessing who was who, what will he do now? and how is it all going to work out. I love Ryan Reynolds, and he was pretty funny in this film, The little girl had some great lines like, "Dad I forgive you for smoking when you were young, and for drinking, and for being such a slut." The ending was good, they threw a couple of twists in there to add a little spice to it, but for the most part, it was predictable. Still it was a good show, and Definitely worth renting.

1 comment:

young said...

Did you invite Papa?