Monday, June 30, 2008

There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood, Danial day Lewis
This was a first for me, because I hate long movies and this one was 2 1/2 hours long. However I absolutely loved this movie. There was a lot of hype surrounding this movie, and I believe it delivered. First of all Daniel Day Lewis is one of the greatest actors of our time. He makes every role he ever plays believable.He plays Daniel Plainview an Oil Prospector at the turn of the century. He is driven by greed, and doesn't feel the least bit bad about it. I loved his explanation about his competitive nature to "Henry". When his eyes opened and he said he didn't want others to succeed, -I got shivers. The religious zealot, "Eli" was a total freak, and the ending of this film, to me, is what made the movie. The film goes all out, so we could really see what kind of mad man Daniel Plainview was, and at what lengths he would go to get his point across. His famous line of, "I Drink your Milkshake!" was classic. This is the kind of movie I would want to own, as I think it is a timeless story, that was well thought out, and incredibly interesting all the way through. My warning on this film would be-That not everyone will like this movie, there are some violent scenes, some slower stretches, and it is 2 1/2 hours long. I was captivated the entire time, and would probably watch it again.

1 comment:

young said...

I loved this movie. Kecia didn't see it. Daniel Day Lewis kicks ass. I watch all his movies. The guy is as real as ever. The best part was when Daniel Day Lewis found out his "brother" was a fraud and did him in. Talk about the wild west.